


Scoring profitable growth: Tools to begin and win  


Businesspeople want to grow their businesses.

However, they don’t know where to begin and which growth alternatives to pursue.

StratStar workshops and tools empower leaders to 

  • Clarify the current business positioning
  • Develop a list of growth options
  • Rate each growth option on five key parameters

StratStar evaluations

  • Score each growth option
  • Visualize each growth option’s relative strengths and weaknesses



StratStar results

  • Enable numerical and visual comparisons of growth options
  • Capture valuable leadership thinking from discussions
  • Provide the foundation to develop a growth plan


StratStar workshops initiate the growth planning process

  • Customer/consumer research: target market in-depth info. and data
  • Financial analysis: past and pro forma data
  • Market/competitive analysis
  • Capabilities/feasibility analysis: ops, talent, systems, etc.
  • Goodwill evaluation


Case Studies



Pacer Health Inc. is an international phone app technology company that created Pacer, the world’s most downloaded daily activity tracking app for Android and iOS. More than 10 million monthly active users in 100+ countries participate in Pacer’s individual, group, and team virtual challenges.

Because of Covid-19’s effect on the booming virtual corporate health and wellness industry, the company’s leaders wanted to evaluate market development and product enhancement opportunities to grow the business. Given these results, the team has the clarity to move forward on growth initiatives.

Our growth and successes in the past couple of years have proven that our business is heading in the right direction. We needed a tool to help take stock of where to go next. Strat Star has been that tool, allowing us to visualize our growth potential and create the steps to make it happen.


— Eric McGraw, International Business Development, Pacer


Bellevue Partners                                                                                   

The leaders of this HR consultancy identified 8 growth options to further the business. By pinpointing critical next steps, the team created a clear roadmap to allocate resources and focus attention. The first growth option implemented, Jake Harter’s Lunch & Learn, generated interest among a room full of prospects.

I highly recommend Melissa’s StratStar system. Melissa’s exceptional facilitation skills unlocked key insights by asking the right questions and challenging our status quo. StratStar is the perfect solution for those searching for a strategic framework to guide your short and long-term growth strategies. It was a valuable resource to prioritize what is most important for my business.

— Jake Harter, MHRM, PHR

More Than Style                                                                               

This startup wardrobe consulting business needed to focus to expand. By considering and evaluating many different growth alternatives, the founder was able to prioritize and begin implementation of the options.

One idea, the fall style preview, was a huge success, with many past and current clients and possible prospects attending. From Erin: “It created a lot of awareness for More Than Style. It piqued curiosity for some who knew of me but didn’t fully understand what I do. And I’ve had quite a few people who want to know about the next one. So I’m growing my email list. Momentum is good. ‘Profit is a verb.'”

I was privileged to experience the insightful expertise of Melissa Fisher and the StratStar model. As a new entrepreneur that is motivated by current success and energized by endless ideas, it can be very overwhelming to know which possibilities are worth it. StratStar is a simple to use analytical tool that weighs the benefits of each idea helping to identify long term growth strategies and actionable low hanging fruit. Ultimately, running my ideas through the model helped me prioritize and plan for my company’s next growth efforts. I highly recommend for any size business that wants help focusing and prioritizing their initiatives.

— Erin Gehring, Wardrobe Stylist, Founder


The Little Coffee Company                                                                                       

This company partners with veterans, disabled people, and other entrepreneurs to create coffee businesses and offer artisanal, single-origin coffee sourced directly from indigenous growers.

The leadership team evaluated several different business models, discussed pros and cons for each, and planned next steps.

Strat Star’s value is in identifying and prioritizing the best business opportunities and then using the data to develop a marketing plan that systematically tackles each priority.

Steve Doherty, CFO, The Little Coffee Company



THRIVE Massage & Wellness                                                                                 

This community-focused spa is considering a number of alternatives to grow and serve more people, relieving their pain, relaxing their minds, and increasing their wellness.

The StratStar exploration prompted in-depth discussions by asking and addressing key questions.

By clarifying the positioning, identifying and scoring growth options, and prioritizing the options, the owner and staff have a growth plan to guide them as they expand the business.

Melissa‘s StratStar business growth options tool provides a ready framework to evaluate your choices based on C-suite metrics. Her participation in the process elevated our thinking to a 10,000-foot level allowing us to get a crystal clear vision of what we needed to do next.
It’s so great to work with someone who elevates the quality of the questions you’re asking.
My team was energized and fully engaged in this process and the dialogue with Melissa.
Highly recommended! We will definitely reengage with her as we implement our growth processes. If my business was a lot bigger I would be spending a big portion of my time trying to recruit her for my C-suite team.

, Founder THRIVE Massage and Wellness



This was great! The StratStar exercise was a useful workshop in helping my team prioritize the next best actions. Through its combination of qualitative and quantitative metrics, we gained a clearer picture of where we should allocate most of our attention and resources. I highly recommend Melissa if you’re looking for an experienced leader to help you strategize your growth.

— Devan Rome, BrainPal (consultant to Thrive) 



Find growth opportunities for your business with StratStar:

  • Contact form
  • Phone: 614 886 5765
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